Message from the company

Sanyo Trading Company Limited was established in September, 1947 right after the World War II .

We have been supplying legal safety equipments, other instruments and machinery for ships and ships’ crew since its foundation. Seven branches in Japan develop business activities among associated industries such as ship’s chandlers, shipping and shipbuilding industries.

We provide the customors with high-quality services through our long years of experiences, knowledges and technologies, based on our research and development under the rules and regulations by IMO (International Maritime Organization), MED (Council Directive 96/98/EC on Maritime Equipment) and ships classification societies.

In addition, through our research and development in Japan and overseas we keep providing you with valuable instruments and machinery in order to contribute not only to safe operation but also to environmental protection at sea.

Our mission is to contribute to societies through providing with the products to meet your requests for safe operation.