Life Saving Equipment Lifesaving equipment

Lifesaving equipment protects passengers' and crew members' lives and ensures safety during emergencies such as maritime accidents. Law mandates all vessels to be supplied with such equipment.

Life boat

Life boat

Inflatable liferaft

Inflatable liferaft

Immersion suit

Immersion suit

Life jacket

Life jacket



Parachuted signal

Parachuted signal

Emergency ration food

Emergency ration food

Life jacket light

Life jacket light

Inflatable life jacket

Inflatable life jacket

Line throwing appliance

Line throwing appliance

Lifebuoy self igniting light

Lifebuoy self igniting light

Explosion proof lifebuoy self igniting light

Explosion proof lifebuoy self igniting light

Retro-reflective tapes

Emergency ration water

Emergency ration water

Thermal protective aid

Embarkation ladder